Sunday, 29 April 2012

Not long finished a 17.53 mile walk.  Im pretty exhausted!  It was a very cold and windy walk.  It felt like the wind was constantly blowing in my face.  I almost didnt't go out today as I just was not in the mood but I really had to push myself to go out as I have had a very lazy week.  I walked into the city centre and did a loop back round through Portobello and Musselburgh.  I almost got on the bus numerous times and very nearly cut the route shorter but I had a word with myself and pushed on.  I was walking through Leith Links minding my own business when I got smacked on the leg with a football. I bas bare legged from the knee down and it was cold so I can only describe it as being a stinger.  Im pretty sure its going to leave a mark!  I decided to walk on and not even look back to keep my dignity! If the ball had been closer I would have kicked it back and aimed for his face, instead I just walked on pretending nothing had happened and trying not to look at my calf with the ball imprint on it.  All in all I cant say I enjoyed the walk today but its another few miles added.  My legs hurt already so I know the next few days Im going to be hobbling around.


1 comment:

  1. Wow Jen 17.53 miles! You really are taking this training seriously! Those headwinds are a pain aren't they, make it much harder. Only about another month to go!
