Monday, 13 February 2012

Hi everyone,

My name is Jen, I'm 27, I'm form Edinburgh and I have McArdle's.  I was diagnosed around 5 years ago.  I have decided to take on a 26mile marathon walk, the Edinburgh Moonwalk!!!  I thought I would write a blog to let people know how my training is going and hopefully help, encourage, motivate and generally just make people smile.
Ive always been a very fit and active person and could never understand what was going on with my body, a feeling Im sure all you McArdle-ites know about.  I played a lot of sports but my one goal was to run a Marathon.  Im pretty sure I cant run one but the next best thing for me is to walk it.  The Edinburgh Moonwalk is taking place on Saturday 9th June 2012 and myself and my friend Alison have signed up.

Im going to try and blog atleast once a week and let people know how the training is going.  I start from a position of having not done a lot of exercise for a while.  I do gentle walking but not regularly so I'm starting at a low fitness point and hopefully over the next few months I can build this up and complete the marathon walk.

This is my first post so I dont want to write too much but I will post again in a couple of days and more when the proper training kicks in!!  I will also be tweeting on the actual walk but I will post details of how you can follow me later.

Please feel free to comment or get in touch with any comments etc.  Apart from hopefully being of interest to others I am doing this for myself.  Im not a medical expert or anything so Im just writing this from personal experience so hopefully people will take it in the vain its meant to be in.  A bit of FUN!!!

Over and Out, Jen

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